Poultry Hydration Products

Increase Chick Performance With a Cleaner, Drier Hydration Product

Long shipment times can be stressful for breeder chicks. Proper hydration supplementation is an important step to reducing distress during transit and improving chick livability upon arrival.

To enhance hatchling survival rates during domestic and international transit, the world’s leading genetics companies trust ClearH2O to provide hydration solutions of the highest quality for their chicks & poults.

To decrease stress and minimize weight loss during transit, HydroGel™ 95 is a hydration supplement that contains 95% water with nutrients specifically formulated for hatchling poultry. The easy-to-cut gel format can be appropriately portioned, and will retain its shape, composition, and moisture content. Because it is non-wetting, the hatchlings and their bedding stay dry, hydrated and healthy during transit times of up to 36 hours, leading to lower chick mortality rates.  DietGel® is a nutritionally fortified hydration supplement used to support hatchlings during hold over situations and more predictable transit times.

Discover firsthand how chicks respond to a hydration product designed specifically for poultry in transit. Request your sample today.


Request a Poultry Hydration Product Sample

Discover firsthand how chicks respond to a hydration product designed specifically for poultry in transit. Request your sample today.


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